Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Will Die In 1980.......

During my teenage years I began to tell my friends that I would be dead in 1980, that somehow my life would come to an end in 1980. I don't know why I was saying that. It was just a feeling inside me. Though not terribly happy during my teenage years, I have had no suicidal tendencies, and indeed my apparent prenomition of my death would not be by suicide. Indeed I did not really want to die.

But looking back, it seemed my sixth sense.... my psychic abilities, if you want to put it that way.... was starting to develop. I would often get these "feelings" that things would not go as planned, whether it be an outing, meeting with friends, or whatever, and each time I get these "feelings", it would always turn out that the thing did not go as planned.

It got to the point where some of my friends come to dread my "feelings". One friend would be particularly concerned, he would constantly ask me if I am getting these "feelings".... and if I did, that would really upset him.

I told this friend and some others that I would die in 1980, I was so sure that this was going to happen.

Of course 1980 came and gone.... it is now 2006.... and I am still very much alive!! So what happened?

No I did not die in 1980.... but the orange light came, it seems, during 1980.... perhaps I did "die" in a way.... the orange light put a curse on me that I could not shake... I wonder..... hmmmmmm......

The plot thickens...........

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