Friday, July 07, 2006

The Worst Xmas Ever

We moved into the unit in November 1994.... the woman and I.... but this time as "sharing" rather than "living together".... we in separate bedrooms and separate arrangements, splitting the rent, etc....

However this did not cure her depression.... and Xmas day 1994 was about the worse ever. It's not that I really celebrated Xmas, I had known for a long time that Xmas was originally a pagan holiday and therefore should not be kept by Christians. It's not that I had anything against pagans, it is indeed a beautiful faith in many ways. The point is, however, Christians are hypocritical by celebrating Xmas while at the same time denouncing pagans as "evil".

Nevertheless, at that point in time I was still early on in my journey, and I went along with Xmas celebrations with my family and the cult.

However on Xmas day 1994, the woman descended to the lowest depth of depression, which really made life difficult for me, being an empath and all!! She talked about murdering members of her family.... and mine!!

During that morning I went out to the meeting with the cult, which was only a temporary relief. The afternoon was absolutely hell, and that evening I went out to my parent's place for our family celebrations which I did not enjoy.

The situation grew worse when I came back from my parents. The woman had me to take her for a drive around the streets of Perth. During this drive, she asked if my parents had bought her a Xmas gift.... then she flew into an absolutely rage, smashing against the dash and breaking parts of it off.... fortunately not critical to the function of my car!!

I was due to travel to the south coast soon after to stay with my parents in the holiday home, near to the scene of the orange light. Such was the alien-type power of the woman over me that she demanded of me to share her grievances with my parents, which I agreed to despite not wanting to do this at all.

Therefore, that year's vacation on the south coast was stressful, especially since that my parents reacted coolly to her concerns. Evidently they don't like each other, and apparently for good reasons!!

After my return from the vacation, the stresses continue until it all came to a head in February 1995 when we had the worst fight ever, and it was decided that I would move out.

And it wasn't long until I had found a place.... a nice modern little 2-bedroom flat in a little block.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Taking Over My Life... Again!

Soon after I moved into my flat, the woman with the alien-like powers came back into my life, and after a while she started to set up camp in my flat.

She had a cat, and since pets were not allowed in the block of flats I was in, she needed to leave her cat behind in her unit.

So it was arranged that she would spend the night with me at my flat, and I would then go to work. Then I come back during my lunch hour and transport her to her unit so she could feed and care for her cat, and then after work I go and pick her up and take her back to my flat, and so the cycle continues.

She was once again running my life, and I didn't really like it, but such is the alien-power she had over me, I just went along with it.

Then she hatched the idea that she would bring the cat to my flat and just keep the curtains closed. Again I just went along with the idea, against my better judgment. This made it easier for me in a way, it would mean that I would not have to ferry her back and forth from her unit on a daily basis!!

However, not long after that, I think someone had caught us when the cat wriggled her way behind the curtain and therefore in front of the window. The caretaker sent a note to everyone in the block reminding us that pets are forbidden. So it was back to the original arrangement.

Another time we tried the reverse arrangement, that is, I would spend my time at her unit, and I set up my computer there. I would go home to bed and go to work, then be back at her unit where my computer is, and spend the evenings with her.

However, one day someone tried to break into her unit, and fearing for the security of my computer, I took it back to my flat which was more secure, and it was back to the original arrangement.

Then towards the latter half of 1994, she talked about us living together again, moving into a bigger unit, pooling our resources for the rent. This time, it was to be a separate living arrangement, each in our own room, mainly so that she could continue to receive her social security benefits without having to take my income into account.

At first I did not like this idea, but again her alien powers prevailed, and I went along with it after a while.

As we began to look for a place, she began to suffer bouts of depression, which really impacted on me, being an empath and everything....

Around Sukkot 1994 I travelled up to Kalbarri for a two weeks vacation with my parents who rented a holiday house up there for the vacation. Kalbarri is one of my favorite vacation destination, I absolutely loved it there. During the vacation we travelled further north up to Monkey Mia to see the dolphins, and spent three days there.

After this vacation, her bouts of depression grew worse. But inbetween her bouts of depression, we managed to look for a place to spend together. And by the end of November we had found a place, double storey with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, and tropical gardens outside. It was basically a modern luxury unit.

We moved into the unit at the end of November.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Drawn Back Again And Again.......

As soon as I left the relationship with this woman, I returned to the cult, and they welcomed me with open arms!!

When I moved out from her place, I had taken her car, indicating to her that I would return it when I can arrange alternative transport. The car was bought in her name, but the loan used to pay for the car was in my name, being the sole income earner at the time, and due to her health condition she was unable to drive therefore had no immediate use for the car.

However it seems she could not wait, or she changed her mind about allowing me to borrow the car. A short time after I moved out, the police arrived to take the car, and I was left to borrow mum's car until I can get myself a car.

The next day she called me at work, wanting to restore the relationship. Foolish me went along with it..... or whatever alien-type power she had over me was still evident!!

I did not move back in with her, I don't think she wanted that otherwise I would have, given this alien power. But I was seeing her every day again. Then she let me have her car again, but with strings attached - I would have to be available to transport her whenever she needs to go somewhere.

By then she was having an affair with a married man, this was in addition to the romance between us. Her health deteriorated, I was always taking her to the doctors, and supporting her financially due to her being unable to work. However this left virtually no money left for me.

It wasn't very long before our relationship grew rocky again, fighting more and more. I left the relationship, this time leaving her car behind with her!!!

Now Chanukah 1992.... I was able to take out a personal loan and bought myself my own car.... and the woman came back into my life soon into the new year of 1993, the alien power still very much evident. I began searching for my own flat/unit for rental soon after, initially with her help, but after yet another fight, she went out of my life.

Then around Shavu'ot 1993 I moved out from my parents a 2nd time, but this time into my own flat. It was only a basic two-room unit, but I felt it was symbollic of perhaps a new life for me, a life free from this woman.

However, the freedom was to be short lived.....

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Two And A Half Years Of Hell

There is more to this strange woman with the alien-like hold over my mind.

Soon after we began our relationship, she told me she was in love with someone else aside from me. I wasn't bothered too much by this. Then she told me WHO was the other person, it turned out to be the leader of this cult who was unmarried!! And I thought to myself, what the hell I had gotten myself into!! I was in competition with the leader of this cult, a man who I looked up to at the time!!

Well it turned out he rejected her advances, so in the end I won!! However I would live to regret this victory.

By Passover 1989, this woman had found me a job, working in a temporary position in a govt department. I was accepted into the position.

Then as soon as I started this job, I done something very foolish, what would set me up for both financial and social failure for perhaps the rest of my life. I left home and moved in with this woman, into her unit.

By this time, we had both left this cult and I was no longer involved with any such groups. However, this would be one of the worst two and a half years of my life up to now.

The company she worked for went bankrupt so she was out of a job. She lost her job at the same time I gained mine, and due to my low pay, we spent this time in poverty conditions.

Furthermore she had totally possessed me, and I was virtually cut off from my family and friends. This was indeed a dark period of my life.

Some 18 months later, after having my contract extended several times, I was finally made permanent in this job. However, the problems at home with this woman and life in general grew worse, and we would fight more and more.

September 1991, around Rosh Hashanah, I packed up and moved out.... went back to my parents place. At that time they were staying at the holiday house on the south coast - near the scene of the orange light phenomenon.

However I had the key to the place, so I moved my belongings back there, then drove down to the south coast and told my parents all about it, who agreed to allow me to move back in.

I travelled home back up to Perth that same day to begin my new life of freedom.... or so I thought.....

Monday, July 03, 2006

Another Strange Woman

My wife's surgery has been delayed indefinitely... the pre-surgery tests revealed complications which has to be taken care of first..... now just waiting on the hospital to send us the next appointments slip.

Now to continue on with my story..... we left it where I joined the 3rd cult at Passover 1987.

January 1988 a group of us from university chartered a bus and went east to Melbourne for a student's conference. I tagged along despite the fact that I had finished university, however, I was feeling really drawn to Melbourne.... probably because my dad lived there although I had no idea exactly where he was and I had no contact information.

The bus we travelled on was old and always breaking down, but we managed to get to Melbourne. The conference venue was in the Dandenongs region, and we camped in tents at the venue. This was also the hottest summer on record, with temperatures above 40C (104F) in the shade on many days. As well as attend the conference, we went on a bit of a tour along the coasts there and elsewhere in the region.

The people in our tour group were nice, but I was somewhat ostracized for my involvement with this cult. One person took it upon himself to pray that I would leave this cult.

Around Shavu'ot 1988 things started to get real interesting at this particular cult. Since quitting that job in April 1987, I had remained unemployed, being unable to find another job.

This woman started to attend our meetings at this time, and we met at the home cell meeting during the week. She worked as a consultant, helping to place people in jobs. With me being unemployed, the connection became obvious. She took on my case and started to search for jobs for me.

The connection grew beyond this, and our friendship soon turned into love. However it was a strange, indeed a somewhat disturbing, kind of relationship. The woman herself was somewhat strange. I can sure pick them!!!!

This woman possessed me, seemed to have some mystical power over me, I literally fell under her spell. My life ceased, all was turned over to her.

Each day I would be at her place doing the housework while she was at work. I would come home just long enough to have dinner, only to go right back out to her place for the evening, sometimes staying all night.

Yet I was happy to do this.... I was it seems under her spell.... Almost like what you see in the movies in regards to aliens, using telepathic mind powers to control their human captives.... kind of like the alien abduction cases.

However this was not to be the end of the freakiness with this woman. Watch this space for more!!!!