Wednesday, June 21, 2006

I Will Die In 1980.......

During my teenage years I began to tell my friends that I would be dead in 1980, that somehow my life would come to an end in 1980. I don't know why I was saying that. It was just a feeling inside me. Though not terribly happy during my teenage years, I have had no suicidal tendencies, and indeed my apparent prenomition of my death would not be by suicide. Indeed I did not really want to die.

But looking back, it seemed my sixth sense.... my psychic abilities, if you want to put it that way.... was starting to develop. I would often get these "feelings" that things would not go as planned, whether it be an outing, meeting with friends, or whatever, and each time I get these "feelings", it would always turn out that the thing did not go as planned.

It got to the point where some of my friends come to dread my "feelings". One friend would be particularly concerned, he would constantly ask me if I am getting these "feelings".... and if I did, that would really upset him.

I told this friend and some others that I would die in 1980, I was so sure that this was going to happen.

Of course 1980 came and gone.... it is now 2006.... and I am still very much alive!! So what happened?

No I did not die in 1980.... but the orange light came, it seems, during 1980.... perhaps I did "die" in a way.... the orange light put a curse on me that I could not shake... I wonder..... hmmmmmm......

The plot thickens...........

Sunday, June 11, 2006

My Father

Since the bitter divorce of my parents back when I was about five, my father went to Melbourne, and mother had forbidden us to contact our father. Therefore we had no contact whatsoever with my father, it was like he did not exist, yet I knew he existed and I was wondering what had happened.

It was also during my parent's honeymoon in Europe in 1980, the same year of the orange light phenomenon, that my sister somehow found a way to contact my father. We met him for the first time since my 5th birthday, he had travelled to Perth from Melbourne. I'm not sure if the purpose of his travel was solely so he could meet us, but it doesn't matter. The fact was, we were able to meet him for the first time.

Dad was still in town when my parents arrived back from Europe. Not long after, mother had found out about us contacting our father, and she really blew her stack. Even so many years later, mum was still so bitter about dad though I could never figure out why. I was way too young to remember what had happened, but according to mum, dad was the most evil person on earth, 2nd only to the devil himself!!

Our contact with dad ceased soon after, and he went back to Melbourne. We lost contact once again, and it would be another two decades before I would see him again.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

The 3rd Cult

I took my wife to the hospital today for a day appointment, and it looks like they're going to cut her open.... surgery to get rid of the cancer. She has two more appointments over the next two weeks to prep her for the surgery which will involve a bit of a stay in hospital.

The admission date and surgery is not determined at this stage.... I just hope it is not going to be within the Three Weeks period that I wrote about earlier on this site..... three weeks from July 13th.... when bad things happens to Jews.

I shared before I had been feeling bad vibes for this period.... a loss of some sort.... I hope I am wrong, but things are going to get critical for what appears to be a quite risky surgery for my wife.....

Anyway.... back to my story since the orange light phenomenon.....

Passover 1987.... and not only I quit my job.... I also quit Scientology.... and joined an even more weird cult!! Now the 3rd cult!!

This particular cult, however, was into spiritism-type stuff.... spiritism with a Christian bent to it.... spiritual manifestations.... indeed, Kundalini-type manifestations.... and to be quite frank, it scared me.... but at the same time, I was strangely drawn to it....

I shared before that the orange light experience had heightened my sixth sense.... made me very sensitive to the spirit realm.... well being with this new Charismatic cult, I think my sixth sense was close to being overloaded.... but at the same time, giving me much exhilaration..... perhaps this was the answer to my problems.... kinda like a drug in some ways, but no side effects!! This became my escape.... escape from my family.... my bad home situation.....

This cult has some kind of initiation process... the immersion in the spirit, as it is called.... where you are given a new language....

It was in June when I submitted myself to this process.... and oh what an experience it has been too.... the people gathered around me, laying hands.... and I felt it almost straight away.... tinglings like electricity going through my arms and my hands.... the spirit was upon me, in me, through me.... of course me being so sensitive to the spirit realm....

Then I opened my mouth.... and out came this strange language... a language I could not understand, but I spoke it.... it was like the spirit took over my mouth.... it was starting to get freaky.... this thing is real.... it really is real..... I was not in control... the spirit was in control....

I went home after the meeting.... and suddenly I felt ill.... I felt like I wanted to puke.... it was weird.... I don't normally feel sick.... but this sickness suddenly came upon me.... making me wanting to puke..... then just as quickly the sickness passed, and I was feeling just fine..... I can't explain it, perhaps maybe the spirit was getting rid of the garbage in my system, removing it from my system.....

After this happened.... my relationship with my mother grew even worse.... not that I thought it could get any worse.... but she was so angry with me for joining this new cult.... she hated me for it....

And on top of that... I was ex-communicated from the original cult.... the first cult I joined.... but I felt I found the ultimate in happiness with this new cult.... I thought these were about the best days of my life....

Indeed.... this was even more like a family to me.... the closest.... the most love I felt ever to that point.....

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Boss From Hell

I graduated from university in 1985, complete with a bachelor of science with majors in physics and computer science. The graduation ceremony took place around Passover 1986.

It was around Passover 1986 when a member of this cult that I was involved with offered me some work experience. He worked in a government department, and being in a senior position, he was able to offer me work experience there. It was unpaid experience, but it was a chance to see what it is like to be in a real job.

I worked at this office job for two months, then I received an offer for a paid temporary job at a geophysical data processing company. I had earlier applied for a job there and was knocked back but they kept my resume. They contacted me while I was at this work experience.

The temporary job turned into a permament job, they offered me the job full time, and that was when the troubles began. My boss began to verbally abuse me, he would literally shout at me each time I make even just a little mistake... this would happen nearly every day.... I would dread getting up in the morning to face another day for I knew I would be abused.

But I was very much alone... I felt I could not tell my family of this, certainly not my mother.... I am already very much the black sheep of the family.... I had to keep it all in.... not that talking about it would do any good, it would not stop the abuse, I seemed powerless to stop this abuse.

Around Passover 1986 I became involved with Scientology! Ha! Two cults for the price of one!! Not only I was still with this Christian cult, I was not involved with the cult of Scientology!!

And I thought maybe if I get involved with Scientology deep enough, do enough of those auditing sessions, etc, then perhaps my boss would stop abusing me.

But it seemed the deeper I gotten into Scientology, the worse was the abuse from the boss at work.

I ended up hating my boss... wanting to murder him.... and I am not a violent person by nature.... but this constant and intense abuse from my boss.... and my bad relationship with my mother who I felt would not support me.... this was really driving me to the edge of insanity.... breaking point..... I questioned whether I could survive like this for much longer.....

Being in two cults.... a family who hates me.... a boss who hates me.... I might as well have been an alien.... an alien would have been treated better than me!!

It all came to a head at Passover 1987.... I finally resigned from my job!!!

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Cult

May 1983.... I had just lost the only friend I ever had up to that time. She might have been an alien.... one of those aliens in disguise that you hear about in sci-fi films... I often wondered about that... that would be the story of my life, the best friend ever being an alien!!

Whatever.... she probably was not an alien.... in any case, I had just lost her, and I was alone once again.

Now throughout the years I had been involved with this certain cult calling themselves Christians.... I had not converted to their faith, but I had been attending the youth group run by that church, plus a meeting or two....

And you know the classic scenario.... black sheep of family, just lost friend, suffering loneliness.... the cult offering acceptance that was denied him elsewhere.

I took the bait.... May 1983 was when I was "converted" to this cult, I had essentially became a "Christian" with this group.... started attending church, getting involved with this group.... now Jesus was my friend.... or, as it turns out, the members of this church became my new friends.

The date of my "conversion" coincided with day 42 of the Omer, that is, the 42nd day before Shavu'ot, two days after Yeshua (Jesus) ascended to Heaven.

This drove the wedge between me and my family even deeper. They did not like me involved with this cult, did not like me going to church each Sunday. But I was totally accepted there, they loved me there, no one else loved me like they did.

Soon afterwards, I was baptised in water, it was by full immersion. I was finally "officially" the member of this church, now allowed to partake of all of its ceremonies. This was my new family, and to hell with anyone who tried to pull me away from this new "family".

My relationship with this cult would continue for the next four years.

Was She An Alien?

I am definitely not looking forward to July 13, the start of "The Three Weeks" period of calamities for Jews. I cannot shake this feeling I am about to lose someone close to me, but I am almost certain this is not a physical death but a spiritual death.... like death of a relationship or friendship.... and likely to occur during this three weeks period.

Now on the topics of relationships.... let's think back to my days at university as I attempted to complete my studies amidst the turmoil of the two pregnancies and a difficult little brother....

Up until this time I have had no serious relationships. But it was during my first year of university, 1982, that I met a very strange woman.... almost like an alien.... there was something about her that was strange.... and like me she had an interest in UFO phenomenon and orange lights.

She was doing a different major but we took some of the same classes. One class involved a series of physics experiments that we do at our own pace.... and I raced ahead of everyone else in the class, only this woman kept up with me.... but we didn't really talk to each other.... too busy completing the experiments.

All this changed when we came to one particular experiment that required help of another person. Up until that stage, we could complete the experiments by ourselves. But we came to this experiment that required two persons to complete.... and this woman was the only candidate for me.

We struck up a friendship and soon found we shared common interests and common journeys in our lives.... a concept known as "synchronicity"... these very uncanny coincidences that we share with certain people. I've shared many with this woman.

Over the months our friendship blossomed.... I was so unexplainedly drawn to her.... like a magnet... physically there was nothing special about her.... but she was so strange, almost otherworldly, and I was so drawn to her.... There was no real romance involved but the friendship ran really deep.... we were best friends to each other.

Then around Passover 1983, the 3rd anniversary of the orange light experience, came the knockout blow to our friendship.

One thing you will find as you read my blogs is that major things tends to happen around Passover or just after Passover but before Shavu'ot, about April and May. I've always wondered why, perhaps it has something to do with the orange light that occured during Passover in (most probably) 1980.

So it was around Passover 1983 when the knockout blow came to our friendship, and things would never be the same. This hurt me badly.

For the first time I felt really accepted by someone, a luxury that was not afforded to me by my family. Then it seems she was about to go away, almost like an alien.... like in the movie "My Stepmother Is An Alien"....

Once again I was left alone.... alone and searching for acceptance....

Sunday, June 04, 2006

My Sixth Sense Improved

I have wondered whether this orange light experience had somehow improved my sixth sense.... my intuition..... psychic abilities if you would like to put it that way. I do not claim to be a psychic but I am finding I can pick up on things a lot more now than before the orange light.

Of course I had a sixth sense before the orange light but it wasn't so strong.... I don't think.

But over the years since the orange light, I have found I can often predict the outcome of things.... I'm not always correct.... there are other things at play.... but am correct more often than not.

This is a double edge sword..... and for some time since Passover this year I have been feeling bad vibes about a loss I am about to experience.... a loss of someone who is very dear to me.... I wondered who it can be.... the loss will not necessarily be death, it could just be a breakup, or a loss of friendship....

I thought by Shavu'ot this feeling would pass.... but it has not.... Shavu'ot is over now.... and Tzom Tammuz, the beginning of "The Three Weeks" is on July 13th. This three week period is when much of the catastrophes had befallen the Jews including the destruction of the two Temples.

And unfortunately, this feeling of impending loss has intensified..... I cannot say who this person will be, but have narrowed down the possible candidates.... there aren't that many to begin with.... And I think this loss will be finalized during this upcoming "The Three Weeks" period beginning July 13th.

Watch this space..... I hope I am wrong.... this is one prediction that I hope will be wrong.... but unfortunately this is unlikely.....

An Alien In My Own Family

I had always been the black sheep of the family, almost like an alien.... maybe I was a half-breed alien.... you know, when people get abducted by aliens and impregnated by them.... the abductee becomes pregnant.... and the baby is born.... I could almost believe my mother being an abductee, the way she is at times..... and the orange light came to check up on me.....

Well that is probably a bit too far fetched.... but sometimes I do wonder.... I always thought I had been adopted.... I never quite belonged to my family.... always the odd one out.

Whatever this orange light was doing.... or whatever it means.... one thing for sure is that events would follow that would make me even more of an "alien" in my family...

Working on the assumption the orange light came in Easter 1980.....

It was September 1980 when the wedding of my mother and her boyfriend happened.... the day coincided with Elul 25 on the lunar calendar, the day when according to Jewish lore the world was created by God.

Soon after they were on their honeymoon in Europe, spend two months there over October and November 1980.

During that time, my elder sister became my guardian.... she is only two years my senior, but far above that according to mum. Back in my younger years when mum had to work at night, my sister was my babysitter and it was a nightmare.

My sister would dob me in for things I never done, and despite my pleas of innocence mum would never believe me.... and I would always get into trouble for things I have never done.

So now the nightmare returns.... mum away in Europe for two months, and me under the "care" of my sister.

On this occasion, my sister had her own problems. She was in a relationship, and always fighting with her boyfriend, a very turbulent relationship. It seemed she was too preoccupied to cause me much trouble.

And on top of that, she was having an affair with a guy at her work. One night on her birthday she stayed out all night with him, and it was her boyfriend who watched over me, not that I really needed watching, I was 17 for goodness sakes!!!

It turned out this was the night my sister fell pregnant to this man at work. Soon after, she broke off from her boyfriend, and ended up marrying the guy from work.

Not long after mum returned from her trip with new step-dad, which would have been around Xmas 1980, mum announced her pregnancy!! At around the same time, my sister announced her pregnancy!! It turned out they both conceived at about the same time!

And in spite of the circumstances, my sister's pregnancy was greeted with joy. This might sound horrible, but if I had slept with a girl for a fling and gotten her pregnant, I would have been put through the grille.... mum being the traditionalist that she was.... But it didn't happen for my sister, yet another episode where my sister would get away with stuff that I would never have gotten away with!!!

My sister got married in 1981 and went to Sydney with her husband. Mum gave birth to my brother late in July 1981.... my niece was born in Sydney two weeks later.

My brother's birth occured during "The Three Weeks" between Tzom Tammuz and Tish'a B'av, the period of time when historically various disasters and calamities had befallen the Jewish people including the destruction of the two Temples. Perhaps this is why my brother turned out to be a problem child, and caused difficulties for me while I was trying to study for my degree.

My niece was born just after this Three Weeks period, but she wasn't a problem.

Only that mum and my sister had grown that much closer together, and me that much further apart from my family.... more of a black sheep.... more of an alien.

An alien in my own family.....

Saturday, June 03, 2006

After the Orange Light.....

Hey y'all

Let's assume that the orange light sighting occured in 1980... this would fit into the fact I don't recall my brother being present in the car during this sighting which occured at Easter. In 1981 mum would have been six months pregnant with my brother and I don't think we made any road trips that year. And of course my brother would have been born and about 9 months old in 1982.

When we travel to the south coast for Easter, we travel on Thursday night prior to Good Friday. In 1980 this would have been April 3rd, corresponding to Nisan 17 on the lunar calendar. Since the trip took place after sunset, the actual lunar day of the trip would have been Nisan 18, coinciding with the 4th day of Chag HaMatzah (Passover) which is the mid-point of this Jewish festival.

This would therefore be the date of this orange light experience.

Passover is the celebration of the Jews' release from slavery in Egypt, however, the feast marked the start of intense trials and testing as the Jews began their 40 years of wandering in the wilderness before they entered the promised land. The Jews endured much hardships in the wilderness, and this would turn out to be the story of my experiences since witnessing this orange light.

April 1980.... at this point, mum and her boyfriend were not married. Their marriage took place in September 1980. They honeymooned in Europe for two months in October and November, and mum fell pregnant with what turned out to be my half-brother, who was born in July 1981.

As for me I was in my final two years of secondary school, studying for entrance into university to study physics and computer science. I graduated high school in 1981, gaining the school award for physics since I scored the top mark in the entire school.

However my studies at university coincided with the birth of my brother, who turned out to be a difficult child. The resultant turmoils at home affected my studies, and my academic achievements were far less than it could have been.

My years at university also marked other turning points in my life.... these I will share later.

Friday, June 02, 2006

The Strange Orange Light In The Sky

How bizarre!! As I was about to add more information to this blog, this computer spontaneously rebooted causing me to lose my information!!! One of many many strange experiences associated with this orange light!!!

Back in 1980, 81 or 82 I have witnessed a most bizarre UFO phenomenon...... a very strange orange light doing weird things in the sky. Many strange and disturbing things happened to me, and still is happening to me today, since witnessing this orange light.

Here is how it happened.....

First the circumstances surrounding this experience....

I was in my final years of school (1980-81) or first year of my study in Physics at university (1982). I was still living with my parents, that is my mother and stepfather, and they were putting me through university.

Up until this point I was in no serious relationships though I was very popular with the women. I was known as the casanova at school. And as far as I can remember, my only paranormal experiences involved a menagerie of peskieghostie critters that insisted on following me around throughout my childhood years.

Coming to think of it, I think this orange light experience occured in 81 because I don't think my half-brother was born yet, I don't remember him being around at that time, though he could have simply have been asleep since this occured late at night. My brother was born later in the year of 1981. It might even have been in 1980, which was the year of my mother's remarriage, culminating in their honeymoon to Europe and the conception of my brother in my mother's womb.

I can't be sure of the exact year, and as far as I know, I am the only witness to this event which occured late at night on an isolated stretch of country road in the south west of Australia. However I do know this event occurred around the time I was finishing school and about to embark on my Physics studies at university.

I do know that this orange light event happened during Easter when there was a full moon. We have a holiday home on the south coast, and I was accompanying my parents on this road trip to the south coast. We were travelling late at night.

We were nearing our destination when I happened to look out of the passenger window and saw an orange glow on the horizon. I assumed it must have been a bush fire. It was a clear cloudless night, there were no storms, indeed no rain clouds at all.

What happened next shocked me. I saw what appeared to be a huge orange ball of light rising up from the vicinity of the orange glow. This ball appeared to be about 1/3 to 1/2 the size of the moon as it would have appeared if it was on the horizon.

This ball of light appeared to have a "tail" streaking behind it. It was bright orange but otherwise featureless.

This orange ball of light rose up from the vicinity of the horizon, did a fairly rapid loop in the sky not far above the horizon, then disappeared back down below the horizon again.

Needless to say I was in shock.... I was in the back seat of the car and the whole scene took on a surreal appearance.... almost as if there was a dimensional shift. My step-dad was driving, my mother next to him, both totally unware of what was going on with me.

This seemed to mark a turning point in my life, and the beginning of many strange occurrences in my life. Despite the fact this event was approximately 25 years ago, these strange occurrences seemed to have accelerated in recent months.....

Hence this blog!!

I do not intend to publish publically here all of my experiences as some are just way too bizarre, but may elect to share privately with various individuals who contact me privately by email or IM, and if I feel I can trust them.

I invite others who had experienced orange light phenomenon (indeed any UFO phenomenon) to contact me here.

I will certainly publish details of some of my experiences, and about my life in general since this orange light incidence. I hope I can find answers to what is the meaning behind this phenomenon.

A very dear and close friend of mine, indeed my very soulmate, have also witnessed a strange orange light in the sky. Her site is given here below....

I believe she is part of the answer.... but if anyone else have experienced orange lights (or any UFO phenomenon), do feel free to contact me with details of your experiences.

All love and light.

Gregga the wolf.